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Re: [WMASTERS] Can we please develop a standard?


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   iNaiya naNbarkaLE:

          Here are my thoughts about standardization:

          [1] The character set that needs to be assigned character
              codes has not been discussed with any rationality.
              There was debate about whether to include grantha
              letters or not. There were at least four views aired.
              First group(Kalyan et al) thinks we should have 
              all six S,sh,h,j,ksha, sri
              The second group(Kumar Kumarappan et al) expressed 
              doubts about the need to include Sri and ksha. 
              The third group (Anu, Kathir et. al) oppose grantha 
              letters. The fourth ( may be just only me?) 'group' suggested
              to include only four or five grantha letters and not the
              ksha but recommended including fa etc. 

              I think here people have to consider a number of
              questions and provide supporting reasons that 
              prevail over the other choices. 

              I don't think this has happened and I feel 'due
              consideration or thought' had NOT been given.

          [2] Re: The tamil numerals. Why do we need 10, 100, 1000 
              symbols ? Did anyone cogently argue for the inclusion 
              of these. 

          [3] Why do we need nju, njU, ngu, ngU ?
              What was the answer to my suggestion that when needed
              we can write as nj+u etc. ? This suggestion arises
              because we don't use these letters. 
              We can provide these symbols in some glyph table.

          [4] Why do we need a separate character code for 'au' ?
              can't we write o+La  ? This again only because we
              are going to use it very few times. Is it very
              different from getting kO or kau for example ?

          [5] Do we need copyright and trademark symbols ?

          [6] What room have we provided for future expansion ?

          I feel the character set (not the specific assignement of
          of character codes) I have proposed at URL


          covers more and more useful ground than version 1.4
          provided by Kalyan at URL


          There should be some new vision when we are embarking on
          such a venture. I hope people will see some fresh light !

          anbudan selvaa
          October 3, 1997



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