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2. «Íà ¸¡ñ¼õ /À¡¸õ 6 (1498 - 1929 )

kantapurANam of kAcciyappa civAccAriyAr
part 6 /canto 2 (verses 1498 - 1929 )
In tamil script, TSCII format

Our Sincere thanks go to Dr. Thomas Malten & colleagues of the Univ. of Koeln, Germany for providing with a transliterated/romanized version of this work and for permissions to release the Tamil script version as part of Project Madurai collections.
Our thanks also go to Shaivam.org for the help in the proof-reading of this work in the Tamil Script format.

Preparation of HTML and PDF versions: Dr. K. Kalyanasundaram, Lausanne, Switzerland.
© Project Madurai, 1998-2007.
Project Madurai is an open, voluntary, worldwide initiative devoted to preparation
of electronic texts of tamil literary works and to distribute them free on the Internet.
Details of Project Madurai are available at the website
You are welcome to freely distribute this file, provided this header page is kept intact.

¸îº¢ÂôÀ º¢Å¡îº¡Ã¢Â¡÷ «ÕǢ ¸ó¾ Òá½õ
À¡¸õ 6 / 2. «Íà ¸¡ñ¼õ, À¼Äõ 33-43 (1498 - 1929)

33. þó¾¢Ãý ¸Â¢¨Ä ¦ºø À¼Äõ 1498 - 1517
34. «ºÓ¸¢ô À¼Äõ 1518 - 1549
35. þó¾¢Ã¡½¢ ÁÚ¾¨Äô À¼Äõ 1550 - 1573
36. Á¸¡¸¡Ç÷ ÅÕ À¼Äõ1574 - 1603
37. «ºÓ¸¢ §º¡¸ô À¼Äõ1604 - 1633
38. þó¾¢Ãý Á£ðº¢ô À¼Äõ1634 - 1642
39. ÝÃý «Ãº¢Õ쨸ô À¼Äõ 1643 -1669
40. «ºÓ¸¢ ¿¸÷¸¡ñ À¼Äõ1670 -1702
41. «ºÓ¸¢ ÒÄõÒÚ À¼Äõ 1703 - 1717
42. ÝÃý ¾ñ¼ï¦ºö À¼Äõ1718 - 1788
43. «ÁÃ÷ º¢¨ÈÒÌ À¼Äõ1789 - 1929
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2. «Íà ¸¡ñ¼õ
33. þó¾¢Ãý ¸Â¢¨Ä ¦ºø À¼Äõ (1498 - 1517)

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¬¸ì ¸¡ñ¼õ þÃñÎìÌò ¾¢ÕÅ¢Õò¾õ - 3712

This file was last revised on 17 May 2007.
Please feel free to send corrections and comments to the webmaster.